26 April 2024

A great start to fundraising appeal for a second Admiral Nurse in Purbeck

More than 30 people attended an event held at Wareham Rugby Club on Monday, April 22 to mark the start of a fundraising campaign to raise more than £100,000 for a second Admiral Nurse dementia specialist in Purbeck. The appeal has begun very promisingly with £24,835 already raised.


A similar campaign seven years ago raised £150,00 to employ Rachel Murray, Purbeck’s first Admiral Nurse. Speaking at the launch of the fundraising appeal for a second Admiral Nurse, Rachel said the Purbeck Admiral Nurse service had received 247 referrals in the last 12 months, and that the number of people living with dementia in Dorset was expected to rise by about 40 per cent in the next ten years, with the biggest increase expected to be among those living with severe dementia, with the most complex needs.


“The energy shown by Dementia Friendly Purbeck is sadly not reflected in all communities – the only reason I am here is because the local community identified a need to improve dementia care and had the drive to make it happen,” said Rachel Murray. “This role is all about collaboration and working together. We set up a meeting centre at Wareham Hospital which worked really well until Covid, but then the Swans Rugby Club stepped-up and provided their premises for us to use for free – we are really lucky to have such a supportive community in Purbeck.”


The appeal to raise funds for a second Admiral Nurse has started strongly, with Dementia Friendly Purbeck having committed £22,000 from its own funds to kickstart the campaign. At the launch, Swanage woodworker George Smith, who lives with dementia, contributed £335 in proceeds from selling his woodcraft. Stoborough Village Pantomime donated £1,000, as did Swanage and Purbeck Rotary. Wareham Lions has also pledged £1,500 to the appeal.


Jean Gibb, who was responsible for starting the group in Swanage and the driving force behind fundraising for the first Admiral Nurse, attended the launch and officiated at the cutting of a marvellously decorated campaign cake made by Jenny Huntley.


Dementia Friendly Purbeck thanks the donors and truly appreciates their early support. The group will be working hard to raise more funds over the coming months.

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